Will Doctors Without Borders Hire Nurses?
Posted On November 8,2017
Doctors Without Borders offers exciting opportunities for you to travel, learn and use your skills to serve underserved communities around the world. A majority of your work abroad will involve training and managing local nurses and community health workers. You get to practice your leadership training by working in supervisory roles, organizing medical campaigns, initiating training programs or run a specialized care center such as a feeding center.
An opportunity to work with Doctors Without Borders opens you up to new experiences, pushes you out of your comfort zone, allows you to innovate as you often do not have all the equipment you need and gives you an opportunity to learn from the local caregivers. This is also an opportunity to experience a new culture, different sights and learn more about yourself.
General Requirements
Doctors Without Borders look for experienced nurses who are willing to work in unconventional medical settings. If you are looking to travel the world and offer your services as part of the doctors without borders team, you must meet some general requirements, such as: The appropriate diploma or degree for your RN (ASN or BSN) or NP, and a valid practicing license; Doctors Without Borders does not accept LPNs.
- A minimum of three years of professional nursing experience with at least a year in a supervisory, teaching or managerial role
- Recent or continuing practical experience A willingness to commit for at least 9 to 12 months
- Training in infectious health, tropical medicine or public health
- Experience in areas such a nutrition, vaccination campaigns, neonatal care, emergency, HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and pharmacy
- Knowledge of French and/or Arabic will work in your favor.
Working Conditions
Regardless of your placement, every destination will offer you a very different environment; here you may have to compromise on privacy and the amount of leisure time you currently enjoy. In the new environment, you will experience a different work culture where people have a different understanding of punctuality, personal space, dress code and responsible behavior. You must learn the local norms and adjust quickly to enjoy your work.The nature of the job may sometimes require you to follow strict safety and security regulations such as staying within a certain area 24/7 or having to move around with a security escort. You must consider all possible regulations and the effect they may have on over a period of 9 months or more.
Survival Tactics
Working abroad in emergency setting presents a unique set of challenges. Once you choose to work for Doctors Without Borders, you must prepare yourself to live away from everything familiar, including your friends and family. You must prepare yourself psychologically, physically and emotionally to navigate language barriers, long working days, conflicts with the locals, a new diet and lack of access to a reliable internet connection. The only way to survive your placement abroad is to approach it with an open mind and a passion for serving a purpose higher than yourself.

Doctors Without Borders offer a competitive package with benefits, including the opportunity to apply for the Student Loan Forgiveness Program. You get insurance, paid vacation, psychosocial assistance, and medical evacuation coverage, among other benefits.Conclusion Doctors Without Borders offers an exciting and challenging work environment that takes you out of your comfort zone, giving you the opportunity to grow professionally. You can choose to commit up to a year or more depending on your availability and value system. Your journey to working abroad begins with a quality nursing program, such as the one available at the Athena Career Academy.