Tips for Sharpening Your Skills as a Medical Assistant
Posted On June 11,2020
If you’re considering a career as a medical assistant, you might be wondering what types of skills you’ll need to be successful at your new job. While the medical assistant training program you choose should cover all of the basic skills you’ll need to know, there are additional steps you can take to give yourself an advantage. There are a lot of administrative and clinical duties an MA typically performs on a regular basis, but there will also be opportunities to become even better at your job, which can lead to medical assistant career advancement.
Arrive Early
No matter how talented of an MA you might be, arriving late to work is one of the biggest career mistakes you can make. Being late tells your employer that you aren’t serious about your job and it can also have a negative effect on both your coworkers and the patients as they are counting on you to be there. Rather than rush in at the last minute, it’s best to arrive at least 10 minutes before the start of your shift, giving you time to hang up your coat, put your stuff away, and wash your hands. Arriving early to work also allows you plenty of time to get prepared for the tasks ahead, whether that’s prepping and stocking exam rooms, or getting patient charts organized.

Remain Optimistic
As with any career, you will have good days and not so good days. Maintaining a positive and upbeat attitude, even on the not so great days, will be greatly appreciated and noticed by your fellow staff and patients. You’ll be the person who is always in a good mood and lifts everyone around you up to your energy level.
Fulfill Your Own Duties
While it’s perfectly acceptable to ask for help from time to time, the most successful MAs are those who can carry their own weight and complete their own duties and tasks independently and confidently without needing a lot of help or guidance from others.
Be a Team Player
The most successful MAs are those who are always willing to pitch in and help wherever needed, often without even being asked.
Be Respectful
Medical facilities can get very busy, sometimes leading to stressful situations and encounters. Despite the challenges, it’s important to try and remain polite and professional, even when tensions run high. Keep in mind that many patients are seeking help because they aren’t feeling their best, and they may be dealing with a variety of difficult emotions, from stress to fear. A little kindness and compassion can go a long way in helping patients and staff remain as calm as possible.

Keep Learning
The medical field is constantly changing, especially as new technologies emerge. In order to receive the best medical assistant career advancement opportunities, it’s important to stay up to date with continuing education requirements. Those individuals who are truly passionate about their job will want to learn everything they can and will sign up for continuing education classes, read medical blogs and journals, and join clubs and organizations for their profession.
Ready to Start Your Career in Medical Assisting?
To get started on the path to becoming a medical assistant, contact Athena Career Academy for more information. We offer flexible class schedules with full and part-time accredited programs. We take pride in the education we provide to our students and graduates. We not only help you through the program, but we prepare you for life after graduation. Schedule an appointment with our admissions team today!
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