Study Habits That Lead to Success
Posted On December 15,2020
If you’re thinking about returning to school but the thought of studying has you stressed out, you’re not alone.
Maybe you’ve made the decision to go back to school and embrace adult education to better your future, but perhaps you’re feeling a bit anxious over the thought of keeping up with all of the required work associated with an accredited program. This can be especially true if you’re also juggling work and family commitments.
If the thought of keeping up is keeping you up at night, here are some helpful study habits that successful students swear by.
Stick to a Study Schedule
Having a set study schedule is crucial when it comes to student success. Life gets busy, so it’s imperative to create a weekly schedule, including specific study times, to help you remain productive and on track. Setting daily study goals can be a life-saver and keep your school work organized.
Remove Distractions
When it comes to studying, it’s best to only bring what you need with you and leave distractions behind, such as your cell phone or a tab opened to your favorite social media platform. If you know it’s going to be too tempting not to check your phone throughout your study session, then putting it in a safe place far from arm’s reach until you’re finished studying is a good idea. Finding a quiet place to study, away from noisy distractions, such as people talking, television, or loud music, is also important when establishing a good study routine.
Tackle the Most Difficult Subject First
Since the most difficult subject will require the most effort and mental energy to complete, many students find that it’s best to get it out of the way first. Once the hardest subject is out of the way, the rest of the study session should go much smoother and not having the burden of a hard study task in front of you can help you feel at ease.
Take Care of Yourself
While this one may not seem related to study habits, taking proper care of yourself is key to succeeding in school. If you aren’t at your best because of lack of sleep and poor nutrition, then keeping up with your studies and getting good grades will become very difficult to maintain.
Review Your Notes
Another good study habit to implement is to always review your notes before starting an assignment or before taking a test. Reviewing your notes before you jump into working on a subject will help you to perform better on an assignment or test as the information will still be fresh in your mind.

Attend Class
While this one may seem irrelevant to study habits at first glance, attendance is connected to academic success. It’s vital for students to attend class and complete all classwork as skipping classes and coursework will not only have a negative impact on your grades, but it can put you further behind and in jeopardy of not being able to complete your accredited program.
Set Specific Goals
Set specific study goals and time limits while studying to avoid cramming by trying to do it all in one night. Successful students know how to spread the workload out throughout the week, so they aren’t forced to pull all-nighters which aren’t good for your physical or mental health.
Ready to Get Started?
While studying may seem like a daunting task, with a little planning and organization, you’ll develop critical study habits and skills that will make studying feel like second nature. As you prepare to start your accredited program, remember to study smarter, not harder, and you’ll be well on your way to achieving academic success. Athena Career Academy has got you covered. Our certification and degree programs combined with our caring, knowledgeable staff and faculty are invested in your success from day one. Contact our admissions team today for more details on how to enroll in one of our accredited programs.