Save Money and Graduate From Nursing School On Time
Posted On November 20,2015
Choosing to go to nursing school is a major decision to make. Ask any dreamer and they’ll probably have a million reasons not to enroll in school. Two of the reasons at the top of the list would most likely be time and money. People don’t have the time to commit to nursing school and they can’t afford the expense.
Fortunately though, if becoming a nurse is truly important to you, there are a few ways to help make that dream a reality. With some careful planning and a little self-discipline, you can save money and graduate nursing school on time.
Save Some Money in Nursing School
- Buy used textbooks. Textbooks are very expensive, often adding several hundreds of dollars to the cost of your schooling each semester. A great way to save some money is to look for used textbooks online. Talk to other students at the school who may have previously used the same textbooks. You may be able to save more than half off of the cost of your books by looking for used ones.
- Live at home. This might not be and option for everyone, depending on where you live and how far away your home is from your chosen nursing school. But, if the option is there, live at home. Housing, whether in an on-campus residence hall or an off-campus apartment, can be very expensive. Save some money and live at home. You’ll be so busy with nursing school that you probably won’t miss much of the “campus life experience” you’d otherwise find on campus.
- Look at smaller, specialized schools. Let’s face it. Pursing a higher education after high school isn’t free. Attending a major, four-year university can cost you a minimum of $15,000/yr or more, depending on where you choose to attend. But, look around for other local nursing programs at smaller, specialized trade schools instead. These programs are often significantly less expensive and allow you graduate faster than a program at a university.
Get organized with a budget. This tip is good for anyone looking to save some money and get through life with as little debt as possible. But, while you’re in nursing school, it’s extremely important to watch where and how you spend your money. Sit down and figure out a budget that works for your needs and your situation, and devise a plan to stick to that budget each month. If you need help doing this, there are many resources available online to walk you through the process, and financial planners who can do much of the work for you.
- Find a part-time job. This might be challenging, but if you can find time to work a part-time job while in school, you might find that it helps you with your time management efforts as well as providing you with some added income each month. Know your limitations, and don’t stretch yourself too thin with work and school. Otherwise, it may take you longer to finish school than you planned. But, if you can find a balance that fits your schedule and capabilities, go for it.
Finish Nursing School On Time
- Pick the right program for you. Do you know what type of nurse you’d like to become? Where would you like to end up professionally? If you choose the right nursing program from the start, you’ll save yourself a lot of time, money, and headaches on an education that you may never finish. Determine if there’s a specialty that you’re interested in pursing, how much schooling is required for this specialty, and identify the best school to help you reach that goal.
- Stay organized. Nursing school is tough. Between the countless tests, lab work, clinical training, and an entire dictionary of medical terms to be memorized, you could drive yourself crazy trying to manage everything. Keep on task with all your assignments, classes, and related work with the help of calendars, day planners, or appointment books. Keep your course syllabi readily available to stay on top everything you’ll need to accomplish throughout nursing school.
- Ask for help along the way. There’s no such thing as a stupid question, especially in nursing school. Falling behind in difficult courses is a surefire way to delay graduation. The minute you start struggling with school, don’t hesitate to ask for help from teachers, other nursing professionals, or even a tutor. This will help you better understand the material, create a good rapport with your teachers, and minimize your chances of falling behind.
Athena Career Academy may be the perfect option to help you save time and money on nursing school. Our Admissions Representatives want to help you turn your dream of becoming a nurse into a reality by getting you started on the right path from the start. To learn more about our nursing programs and what your best options may be, call 419-329-4075 today.

Athena Career Academy is located at:
5203 Airport Highway
Toledo, Ohio 43615
Hours: Monday – Friday 7:30AM to 4:30PM
Phone: (419) 329-4075