Can A Practical Nurse Work As A Nurse Recruiter?
Posted On December 5,2017
Yes, Practical Nurses can work somewhere other than a nursing home.
This is one of the most incorrect statements that an LPN may hear, especially from their own peers. LPNs have options, and one is in increased demand; nurse recruiter. The ideal headhunter for nursing talent is an experienced, knowledgeable nurse.
Recruiters needed
With over three million registered nurses (RNs), and over 800,000 licensed practical nurses (LPNs) across the United States, nursing is said to be among the nation’s fastest-growing occupations with no sign of slowing down. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the employment of registered nurses is expected to see a growth of 15 percent from 2016 to 2026, a growth the bureau says is “much faster than the average for all occupations.” Many specialized jobs for nurses are difficult to fill because there are more openings than candidates. This is where a recruiter comes in. A successful recruiter will search for talent for their company, then bring the best and brightest on board.
What does a nurse recruiter do?
A nursing headhunter spends the majority of the workday communicating with potential employees and employers to help match them. This requires knowledge of how to advertise openings and other marketing strategies. Other times the job might call for overseeing hiring, including verification of credentials and background checks. And it increasingly entails overseeing retention programs as organizations strive to keep productive employees. Be prepared to travel, sometimes in different areas of the country. As a nurse recruiter, you will represent your employer at career fairs to many potential candidates.
You will travel to speak to nursing students at colleges and universities, and develop relationships with possibly future employees. The goal of a nurse recruiter is to find the best-qualified nurses to be employed by your organization.
Do you have the Personal Qualities to Become a Nurse Recruiter?
It takes more than knowing nursing to recruit nurses. You need to have many other qualities to get the job done. Nurse recruiters must present themselves well by maintaining a professional appearance. Nurses are in high demand, so sales and communication skills also are extremely critical. On the plus side, as a nurse you understand the personal qualities of most nurses. Nurses are compassionate, caring, patient and emotionally stable. They often enter this field because of these qualities and their willingness to help others. Understanding these personality traits of nurses will assist you in communicating better with them and qualifying them for the job.
Getting the job
The first thing you need to do to get a job is to apply for it. Start with entry-level nurse recruiter positions. Employers list job openings through their websites, on Internet job boards and in newspapers. Apply for as many nurse recruiter job openings as possible to increase your chances of landing an interview.
Athena Career Academy can answer your questions about career options with a Practical Nursing education. Call 419-329-4075 to find out which of Athena Career Academy’s nursing programs is right for you.