How to Write a Medical Assistant Resume That Stands Out

Posted On May 8,2019

How to Write a Medical Assistant Resume That Stands OutWhether you’re a brand new graduate, eager to begin your new career as a Medical Assistant, or a seasoned professional with years of experience under your belt, it can be a stressful task to compete for available MA positions.

With hundreds of resumes for hiring managers to sift through, how do you ensure that yours will be one of the select few to catch their attention and spark enough interest to contact you for an interview?

Write An Impressive Career Objective to Wow Them

It’s been rumored that the actual time hiring managers spend reading through resumes accounts to mere seconds. Since the career objective is often the first thing they’ll see, there has never been a better time to make a first impression. Open with a career objective that will literally wow them into taking a closer look at the remaining parts of your resume, versus tossing it in the “No thanks, this looks like a carbon copy of countless other resumes” pile.

The career objective is a unique and often overlooked opportunity for you to make an impression. First, show them how your skills, accredited program certification, hands-on training and on the job experience, are the missing link to fulfilling the necessary and needed requirements of the role or position they are looking to fill.

The career objective can be accomplished with just a few sentences or statements:

  • A brief introduction listing your experience, tasks, and responsibilities.
  • A clear statement defining how you would utilize your skills, training, and experience to fulfill your desired position as an MA.
  • A concluding sentence explaining how your skills and abilities will be a valuable contribution to the success of their office or team.

A carefully crafted career objective will leave a positive impression on a hiring manager. Take your time when writing your career objective as first impressions definitely do matter, at least when it comes to resumes.

Highlight Your Wide Range of Additional Skills to Stand Out

Most major medical facilities already have medical assistants working for them, so they are already well aware of the importance of all the duties and tasks performed by an MA.

Some of these may include:

  • Administrative or clerical work, such as answering phones, scheduling appointments, or retrieving medical charts.
  • Clinical, such as taking patient vital signs, dressing wounds, performing venipunctures, etc.
  • Custodial, such as cleaning exam rooms or sterilizing equipment.

Since hiring managers are already familiar with how critical and important the varied roles of an MA are, they are most likely to hire those candidates who are not only multi-skilled but masters of multi-tasking.

While having a specialty or being considered a specialist in one particular area or field is always a bonus, being able to prove that you can take on a variety of duties or tasks with ease can help bump your resume up to the top of the pile. You want to be seen as someone who is confident, comfortable, and fully capable of taking on a multitude of responsibilities in a busy, hectic, and at times, high stress work environment.

Although it may not happen on the first, or even second attempt, don’t despair. With a little bit of planning, your resume will pop. With patience and perseverance you’ll be one step ahead of the pack. If you’re interested in furthering your education to become a Medical Assistant, contact Athena Career Academy today! You’ll be one step closer to landing your dream job as a Medical Assistant.

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