How Can Preschool Teachers Ensure the Success in the Classroom?
Posted On June 29,2022
Preschool teachers play an essential role in the academic success of all the young children they teach. It’s crucial that early childhood education (ECE) educators play an even more dominant role in helping children facing academic failure or those performing below what’s expected for their age or grade level. This isn’t an easy task as there are several other students in the room who also need the teacher’s help and guidance.
With careful planning along with proper support from colleagues and administrators, preschool teachers can significantly improve a student’s chances for success.
Understand Different Learning Styles
Utilize a combination of active instruction and direct instruction and add in opportunities for both individual and group learning. Support students in engaging with all aspects of learning to find their own method that works best for them.
Go with the Flow
Young children will have off days where they just don’t feel like learning, but you might notice patterns in your classroom that represent ongoing struggles for certain students. That’s when it might be time to take a step back and analyze the situation and adjust. Going with the flow is one way to tackle ongoing issues with creativity and problem solving.
Be Creative in Delivering Lessons
Leverage multiple learning resources instead of focusing solely on textbooks or worksheets. This helps reach students with different skills, learning styles, and talents. That’s not to say you shouldn’t use books as they are a wonderful resource, but be creative in delivering lessons by using multiple methods. Include art, digital media, and conversation in your curriculum. During classroom discussions, try asking open-ended questions and encourage children to elaborate on their own thought process as well as considering the thoughts of their peers.
Hands-On Lessons Stick
Project-based instruction gives children an opportunity to put into practice what they are learning. It doesn’t mean a repeat of the entire curriculum but provides built-in opportunities to let children apply what they’re discovering in the classroom. Consider incorporating hands-on projects that let the children lead. If your teaching style tends to lean towards standing and teaching, you could miss chances to highlight special talents in your classroom, resulting in a possible loss of excitement to learning. Adjusting even a small part of your lesson plan to include more hands-on learning may surprise you.
Enroll in a Comprehensive ECE Degree Program
To achieve successful outcomes, you need to have the proper skills and knowledge to perform your job well. Attending a comprehensive early childhood education degree program is the best resource tool to prepare yourself for a rewarding career in ECE.
As a student in a quality ECE program, you will learn how to educate, encourage, give positive guidance, inspire, and use Developmentally Appropriate Practice Methods in the classroom. You will study the developmental levels of children ages birth through 8. A comprehensive early childhood education degree program should integrate NAEYC (National Association for the Education of Young Children) standards, in addition to Ohio’s Early Learning and Developmental Standards in all essential domains birth through age 5.

Ready to Get Started?
If you’re interested in becoming a preschool teacher, Athena Career Academy can help. You can earn an early childhood education degree at Athena without spending four years in college or racking up insane amounts of student loan debt to repay. New classes start approximately every three months and there’s no wait list, so contact our admissions team today to learn more about this exciting, comprehensive degree program.