A Guide to Adjusting from an LPN to RN
Posted On December 12,2016
As a Licensed Practice Nurse (LPN), the next step up the professional ladder for you would be becoming a Registered Nurse (RN). Let’s take a look at what the process of going from LPN to RN entails.
An LPN to RN transition program typically takes a year to complete, but that time period can vary based on the demands of the program and the intensity of the schedule which you follow as a student. Some of the factors you will deal with while making the transition to being a registered nurse include:
1. Accepting Greater Responsibility
As an LPN, you are under the command of the RN and the physician. This means that in the event of an emergency, you have someone of higher authority to turn to, but as an RN, you will often be the one in charge of patient welfare and will be held responsible for any shortcomings in the patient’s caretaking. You must be prepared to shoulder greater responsibility as an RN, and be ready to be the one who has to make difficult decisions instead of turning to a higher authority.
2. Changing Duties
The biggest challenge you will face is the change of duties that the transition will involve. While you may think you know everything that an RN does, you are still missing the training that makes RNs good at their job. This includes training to make decisions quickly, acquiring a greater academic knowledge base, and learning improved methods of critical thinking. You will have to learn to recognize when a doctor has made a mistake or overlooked an important symptom, and draw their attention to it in a non-confrontational and constructive manner.
3. Utilizing your Competitive Edge
As an LPN, you will have spent months and years out in the field working with the RNs and doctors in hospitals and home settings. This means you have a great deal of practical experience managing the nursing work and have firsthand experience with dealing with the pressures of the job. This gives you an edge over candidates who have directly entered the field training to be registered nurses. They lack the time spent dealing with nursing duties that you possess, and this will factor into the consideration of any hospitals that are looking to hire RNs (once your training period is completed).
4. Avoiding Overconfidence
As an LPN, you might be tempted to think you know everything about what it takes to be an RN, but that is not the actual case. The work of an RN differs significantly from the work of an LPN, and you must remember that you lack a lot of the knowledge that is essential for becoming a competent RN. Thus, you must prepare to apply yourself and study during the training period, instead of assuming that you already know everything there is to know about what it takes to be a good, registered nurse.
5. Preventing RN Burnout
For new trainees who are preparing to take on the duties of an RN, the full scope of the responsibilities can at first seem overwhelming. The late hours, lots of paperwork, dealing with difficult patients, doctors, and families, and the prospect of spending most of your waking time among the ill and injured naturally takes a toll on new recruits – known as RN burnout. As an LPN, you will be better placed, than new recruits, to deal with the pressures of the job. Since you have already spent months and years assisting nurses and doctors in various medical facilities, you know what to expect from the job and how to not become overwhelmed.

To learn more about a career as a Registered Nurse, and whether it’s the right fit for you, schedule an appointment with Athena Career Academy today. One meeting with our Admissions counselors could help put you on the path to a successful new career that could change your life for the better.
Athena Career Academy is located at:
5203 Airport Highway
Toledo, Ohio 43615
Hours: Monday – Friday 7:30AM to 4:30PM
Phone: (419) 329-4075