5 Qualities Successful Nurses Have in Common

Posted On March 14,2019

5 Qualities Successful Nurses Have in CommonA career in nursing can be a rewarding, yet demanding, one. Sick and injured patients don’t take days off. The most effective nurses are not just skilled care-givers, they have qualities and personality traits that make them stand out. The more they use these well-cultivated skills, the better nurses they become.

1. Flexibility

Flexibility is a key trait when working in healthcare. Two days are never the same for nurses. Patients are not alike either. And illnesses and diseases can present in many different ways. Plus, it can all change from one moment to the next with little or no notice. All of this adds up to a hectic and ever-changing work day for nurses. Nurses need to be flexible and adapt to what is happening around them while maintaining professionalism, and putting patient care first.

2. Communication Skills

Good communication is absolutely necessary in the world of nursing. The ability to communicate well can affect the outcome of a patient’s treatment. Nurses must not only successfully communicate with patients, but with doctors and each other. This includes both the ability to speak clearly and to listen well, along with knowing the right questions to ask. Nurses also need to advocate for their patients, and make sure their needs and wishes are understood.

3. Empathy

The best nurses have empathy and provide comfort for their patients. Being sick or injured can be a painful and scary time. It is up to nurses to acknowledge the pain and suffering patients are experiencing while continuing to follow protocol and treat the symptoms. Sometimes a smiling face or kind word can do a lot during recovery and help ease the not so comfortable side of the healing process.

4. Attention to Detail

Every action taken and decision made can come with costly consequences when it comes to patient care. That is why top nurses do their jobs with keen attention to detail. The most effective nurses take nothing for granted, and make sure no steps are skipped. One little mistake can have devastating repercussions, and could mean the difference between life and death.

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5. Sense of Humor

A good sense of humor can get you a long way as a nurse. It is often hard to see the sunny side in stressful situations. Finding fun and humor in even the most unpleasant situation can cut the tension, and keep a medical team moving forward and focused on what needs to be done. Sometimes laughter truly is the best medicine.

If all of these attributes sound like you, a career in nursing just might be the right fit. Friendly and helpful nurses enjoy long and prosperous careers. Athena Career Academy trains successful nurses who rise to the top in their fields. At Athena, you can train to become a nurse in as little as a year. Contact Athena Career Academy today to begin you nursing career.

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