5 Foolish Reasons NOT to Become a Nurse

Posted On September 11,2015

Maybe you’re at a place in life where you’re ready to try something new. Something challenging. Something exciting. Maybe, just maybe, that something new is nursing. You’ve thought about it. You know some nurses who seem to like their jobs. You’ve always wanted to help people and you’re interested in a career in the medical field. You think nursing is the right career path for you, but something just keeps holding you back from requesting more information from your local nursing school. Something’s keeping you right where you are. If this sounds familiar, know that you’re not alone. Here are some of the most common (and flawed) reasons NOT to go to nursing school.
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1. It’s not worth it. Nurses are nothing but assistants to doctors and surgeons. Too many people think that nurses are nothing but glorified doctor’s assistants. This couldn’t be further from the truth. Nurses play a vital role in the day-in and day-out routine of patient care and are the front line medical practitioners in most medical care facilities. Doctors spend only a fraction of their time at the bedsides of their patients, so they rely on the knowledge and expertise of their nurses (who provide around the clock care) to help decide the best courses of treatment possible. The nurses are the ones who draw blood, administer medications, and continually monitor patient health and progress.

2. I’ll never be able to go to nursing school. This faulty reasoning can come in a variety of forms. It may sound like, “I’ll never be able to get accepted to a good school,” or, “Nursing school is too expensive for me,” or “I don’t have enough experience to be accepted into a nursing program.” But, the reality is, if you have a dream to become a nurse, opportunities to do so are everywhere. There are scholarships and financial aid available for those who qualify. There are various nursing programs to choose from that will help you gain the experience and training you need to succeed throughout your nursing career. Attending nursing school doesn’t have to just be a dream; it can become your reality.

Start Your Nursing Career3. Now is not a good time to go back to school. There are always a million reasons not to do something. You’ll always have reasons to say “NO” to nursing school, such as family commitments, your job, and all of life’s other demands. But, the path toward becoming a nurse is truly one that will have lifelong benefits if you’ll only take the chance. You may be able to finish LPN training in as little as one year, and be on your way to a successful new nursing career. One year of hard work is nothing compared to a lifetime of success working in the nursing field.

4. Nursing school is too hard for someone like me. Maybe you weren’t the best student in high school, and studying just wasn’t your thing. Do you think that going back to nursing school would be too challenging; too intensive; or too long and boring to sit through. On the contrary, there are many nursing schools that feature small, intimate class sizes that offer a very hands-on approach to learning: a learning style ideal for many eager students. In this type of environment, teachers are available to help give you the tools you need for success as a nurse.

5. I’ll never be able to fine a job that will truly benefit my life after graduation. These days, it seems as if a greater number of college graduates are finding themselves unemployed after graduation, or underemployed and unable to earn a living wage that allows them to pay back college debt. But, If you’re going to school to become an LPN, you can expect to earn, on average, nearly $42,000/yr. in Ohio. Those figures are even higher for individuals working as Registered Nurses. Plus, with the flexibility to work in hospitals, medical clinics, residential care facilities, doctors’ offices, schools, correctional facilities, and a host of other locations, your job possibilities are astounding. You shouldn’t have trouble finding a nursing job that will provide you both the experience and financial support you need after graduation.

If you’d like to learn more about the many reasons to consider a new career as a nurse, the solution is simple. Just contact our admissions specialists today and they will help answer your questions and guide you along the process. At Athena Career Academy, it’s our goal to provide our students with a high-quality education that will help to shape their future careers as nurses. Don’t put off nursing school another day. Your future awaits.